Shaping the heart of our village together

The centre “Am Sand” is an integral part of our daily lives. We work here, attend school here, shop here, or spend leisure time here. Therefore, it is all the more important to adapt the centre ''Am Sand'' to current and future challenges.
To modernize and future-proof our community centre, we launched a comprehensive engagement initiative in 2024 as the first step toward the sustainable revitalization of the centre ''Am Sand''. With your help, we want to develop a vision 2050 for the centre “Am Sand”. This is why, we offered you a wide range of ways to get involved in the redevelopment of the centre ''Am Sand''.
Take a look here at the participation formats, organised at the end of 2024!
Throwback to our past activities
14.11.2024 - Information session on resident involvement

On Thursday 14 November 2024, the kick-off of our participation project Masterplang ''Am Sand'' took place, during which we explained to the residents how they can participate in the project and what participation formats are available.
Find below the presentation of the evening!
16.11. & 23.11.2024 - Guided walks
During the guided walks, participants had the opportunity to share their ideas, questions and suggestions for improving the centre ''Am Sand''.
26.11. & 05.12.2024 - Resident workshops
During the resident workshops, participants had the opportunity to share their ideas and wishes for the future development of the centre ''Am Sand'', in small working groups led by a moderator.
10.12.2024 - Focus workshop for businesses and institutions ''Am Sand''
On 10 December 2024, the Board of Aldermen invited representatives of the businesses and institutions located at the centre ''Am Sand'' to a thematic workshop to discuss issues such as the design and provision of public space, climate and ecology, diversity of uses, and mobility and accessibility of the centre ''Am Sand''.